Saturday, 8 February 2014

What I'm Up To

Hello! I'm writing from Seville. I wish I could call it 'sunny Seville', but unfortunately today we woke up with an awful grey and very rainy day.
I'm using my day mostly to do that kind of stuff that I cannot do during the week, like manicure, pluck eyebrows, etc.
I'm also preparing for tonight's gig at Bar Tintin, with my wonderful and beloved The Majorettes. Apart of other projects I'm immersed in, I've been working with these girls for 3/4 months now. We don't only have loads of fun everytime we go on stage but also when we rehearse which is usually on thursday mornings.
To describe this project, I'd say that is a four-piece vocal group in which we do a rendition to soul and beat music. Mostly from the 50's and 60's. Eg. The Supremes, The Cookies, Beatles, Little Eva...

On thursday evening we went to a local TV where we were interviewed. We also did a performance and a capella interpretation of Stand by Me, by Ben. E. King. Here some captions:

I have to say that these last months in Spain have been quite stressing but I wouldn't change a bit of it. I started working for the Casa del Blues de Sevilla, as a vocal coach. I picked up an old project (Solo Jones) with my friends Félix Roquero and Diego Ruíz, a couple of friends that I've known forever. This project is a cover trio, or better said, was a cover trio, since our dear Marcos Gamero joined on drums.
I've also started doing vocals for the Kid Carlos Band, where I'll be enjoying the sweetness of Blues music. And so on...

This, for now, is what I'm doing plus a few other things that I have in  mind (mwahaha).
I'll try to post a little bit more, even though it'll be these kind of things that no one is interested in (apart of myself).
Enjoy what's left of winter!

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